The community of Fallbrook began in the area known today as Live Oak County Park. The first permanent recorded settlement was in 1869 when the Vital Reche family settled here. They named the new community Fall Brook after their former homestead in Pennsylvania.

The Town
The present townsite was plotted in 1885. The original Fallbrook School, though closed as a school in 1939, still serves the community as the Reche Clubhouse. One of the community’s churches was constructed in 1890 and is still in use today. Indeed, Fallbrook's gift is a quiet, persistent allure to research and preserve its story. The result is a remarkable historical museum which attracts visitors to its pictures and stories. It serves to honor old-timers for their contributions while challenging newcomers to become part of the legacy.
Oak trees were the original primary trees in Fallbrook. Olives became a major crop by the 1920s and continued through World War II, but were eventually phased out in favor of the present avocado and floral industry. Though the population continues to increase at a moderate pace, Fallbrook maintains an easy lifestyle and retains its "Friendly Village" atmosphere loved by residents and envied by visitors.
Rural Setting
History - Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce - FallbrookCountrysideFallbrook has always featured a rural countryside with all the amenities nearby. Our community of approximately 50,000 is spread over 127 square miles. A drive around the area reveals active lifestyles. Four golf courses meander through rolling hills within a 10-mile radius of the town center.
Fallbrook is "life in the country" with a feel which sets us apart and gives all who live here a special pride. It is as country as you want yet within a two-hour drive of the major west coast urban areas.

Main Street
History - Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce - Main_Street
Much of Main Street will remind you of a vintage main avenue through the old part town. The wooden buildings, many of which are historical, with unique fronts, are but a small part of the charm of Fallbrook. Art, gifts, antiques, jewelry, and hand-made items abound in the area.

For even more information on the history of Fallbrook, please visit the Fallbrook Historical Society.
Fallbrook Historical Society
View the latest available newsletters here:
The Main Museum - Upper Level:
- Native American Display and Artifacts
- Early Settlers Information
- Fallbrook in miniature (scale model replicas)
- Model train
- Exhibits on agriculture, education, community organizations, the fire department, and the military.
- Guides to Fallbrook Historic Registry Sites
- Museum Library and Primary Research Material
Lower Level:
- The Bud Francis and Parke McClean Collection of Rocks and Minerals:
- Geodes, Petrified Wood, Smokey Quartz Crystals, Agates, and Tiger Eye.
- The Ford Room:
- Antique Ford cars -Two 1930 Model A, One 1922 Model T.
The Pittenger House:
A 1900 restored Victorian farmhouse, which was once owned by Rev. William Pittenger, a Methodist Minister, Civil War soldier and early recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor.
The Barn:
- Display of vintage agricultural tools and machinery
- Quilt collection
- Weaving looms
- Unique barbed wire exhibit
- Media Room
Fallbrook Historical Society Museum
260 Rocky Crest Rd. (corner of Hill and Rocky Crest)
Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 723-4125
Heritage Center Hours:
Saturday & Sunday 1-4PM
The Reche Schoolhouse
1319 So. Live Oak Park Road
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Open the 3rd Saturday of the Month from 1-4 pm.